Audi / 56 - Radio system / 56 - Radio Generation II / coding

Mark Model Control unit Diagnostic operation
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Control unit
Diagnostic operation
Diagnostic procedure

You are not logged! System works in DEMO mode only now where numbers are replaced with X characters. For 49 EUR only You will get access into full system. You can pay by credit card or bank transfer. Click BUY button for purchase and  You will get login to diagnostic procedures database imediatelly.

Volkswagen workshop manuals for diagnostics


?xxxx: Settings
+X = Front speaker diagnostics inactive
(only Audi AX cabrio)

x?xxx: Tone characteristics (< MY XXXX)
X = Linear Tone characteristics (all radios)

x?xxx: Tone characteristics (MY XXXX >)
X = Tone characteristics for all other models and all Chorus radios
X = Tone characteristics for AX (XE)
X = Tone characteristics for AX (XB) & Audi AX (MY XXXX >)
X = Tone characteristics for AX cabrio (XH)
X = Tone characteristics for TT (XN)
X = Tone characteristics for AX (XL)

xx?xx: Fader/BOSE/Amplifier
+X = Fader-display OFF
+X = BOSE-display ON
+X = Mute when using the telephone

Xxxxx?x: Initialization settings I
+X = navigation system YES
+X = telephone YES
+X = Voice controlled YES

Xxxxxx?: Initialization settings II
+X = Diversity aerial installed
+X = CD-Changer YES
+X = Multifunctional steering wheel YES

You are not logged! System works in DEMO mode only now where numbers are replaced with X characters. For 49 EUR only You will get access into full system. You can pay by credit card or bank transfer. Click BUY button for purchase and  You will get login to diagnostic procedures database imediatelly.

Volkswagen workshop manuals for diagnostics
